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UNESCO Water Portal Bi-monthly Newsletter No. 236: The Vuoksi River Basin (Finland and the Russian Federation)
UNESCO Water Portal, 2010
Th. 2010
052 UNI u
newsletter, UNESCO Water Portal newsletter, The Vuoksi River Basin (Finland and the Russian Federation), terbitan berseri Inggris
1.059 kali
- Director-General of UNESCO on the occasion of the Closure of 19th Session of IHP's Intergovernmental Council
- PCCP teams up with the University of Peace for colloquium on the right to water
- PCCP and UNESCO-IHE update information on two short courses on "Negotiation for Water Conflict Management"
UNESCO Water Family (*)
- UNESCO/IHA GHG Research Project Workshop: The Interface between Field Data and Predictive Modelling
- Training Workshop on Integrated Urban Water Management
- International Training Course on Qanats
- Regional Training Workshop on Application of GIS and Remote Sensing In water Resources Management
- Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Hydraulic Engineering and River Basin Development – UNESCO-IHE
Did you know
Facts and figures about the Vuoksi River Basin (Finland and the Russian Federation)
To access the newsletter, please go to: http://www.unesco.org/water/news/newsletter/236.shtml