Dukungan Pemerintah Kota Metro Bersama SNV untuk Pelaksanaan Program LLTT
Recently, Metro City committed to start the Regular Desludging Program called L2T2 in 2021 with full support from the City Mayor since safely managed target is aligned with the city goal to ultimately ensure Metro City prosperity and well-being. With the strategy is continuously being reviewed before the launch, SNV also continuously assist the local government and operator to develop a strategy
High commitment from Metro City authorities in carrying out the regular desludging program is shown by the presence of enablers of the program, such as tariff regulation and wastewater management regulation. Not only forming regulations, authorities also integrate the importance of doing regular desludging into health sector to improve population’ health and environmental conditions through health and hygiene behaviours promotion to increase the demand. The local government also set a role model for regular desludging by having a saving scheme to initiate the regular desludging within local government bodies. Many efforts have been made to realize their commitment in achieving safe sanitation to the Government of Indonesia also to their community towards a more educated, cultured, and prosperous Metro city.
Watch here a documentary and testimonial video about local government commitment in doing regular desludging program in Metro City