World Congress on National Parks (11 - 22 October 1982: Bali, Indonesia) National Parks, Conservation, and Development, The Role of Protected Areas in Sustaining Society.

Buku ini adanya di Perpustakaan KLH ( in Denpasar, Bali from 11 - 22 October 1982, in response to the generous invitation of the Government of INdonesia, the World National Parks Congress considered principles and policies to guide the establishment and management of national parks and other types of protected areas in ligh of the broad principles governing the interrelationship among population, resources, environment, and development formulated by the series of intergovermental conferences that began at Stockholm in 1972. The Congress took particular note of the World Conservation Strategy (1980) and the World Charter for nature (1982) and reaffiemend role of national parks and other protected areas in contributing to sustainable development and the spiritual and culture needs of humankind. Participants included planners, manager and supporters of protected areas, and scientists from 68 countries.