
Newsletter AMPL (Air Minum dan Penyehatan Lingkungan) Edisi Agustus 2010 Konsolidasi Perencanaan Pembangunan AMPL 2010"

Sekretariat Pokja AMPL   Januari Th. 1.149

Edisi kali ini mengangkat headline  kegiatan "Konsolidasi Perencanaan Pembangunan AMPL 2010", acara ini diadakan pada tangggal 2-4 Agustus 2010, bertempat di Hotel Sahira Bogor.

Masih dalam upaya merespon dan mensinergikan kegiatan pembangunan AMPL yang ada di Indonesia, Pokja AMPL mengadakan pertemuan Perencanaan AMPL tahun 2010. Pertemuan ini diadakan guna mengkonsolidasikan kegiatan pembangunan AMPL yang dilakukan instansi pemerintah nasional dan mitra kerja yang terdiri dari program/proyek dan LSM/NGO.

Pertemuan ini dihadiri segenap anggota Pokja AMPL (Kementerian Dalam Negeri, Kementerian PU, Kementerian Kesehatan, dan Bappenas), serta para mitra kerja dari Program/Proyek (PPSP, WASPOLA, WESUNICEF, ProAir, dll).

Selain itu juga terdapat berita menarik lainnya seputar kegiatan AMPL lain di bulan Juli dan Agustus 2010, serta pustaka dan publikasi dari Perpustakaan Pokja AMPL di bulan Agustus 2010.

Newsletter AMPL (Air Minum dan Penyehatan Lingkungan) Edisi JuLi 2010 Lokakarya Penyusunan Grand Design Sanitasi Sekolah"

Sekretariat Pokja AMPL   Januari Th. 1.184

Edisi kali ini mengangkat headline  "Lokakarya Penyusunan Grand Design Sanitasi Sekolah", acara lokakarya
ini diadakan pada tangggal 30 Juni 2010, bertempat di Hotel Manhattan - Jakarta.

Disepakati bahwa grand design ini merupakan panduan secara global untuk semua pihak (pemerintah, LSM/NGO, dan bahkan swasta) yang ingin dan akan melakukan pembangunan sanitasi sekolah di Indonesia, sehingga panduan ini bersifat fleksibel namun memberikan koridor yang jelas bagi pelaksananya.

Selain itu juga terdapat berita menarik lainnya seputar kegiatan AMPL lain di bulan Juni dan Juli 2010, serta pustaka dan publikasi dari Perpustakaan Pokja AMPL di bulan Juli 2010.


Environmental Cooperation-Asia (ECO-Asia) eNewsletter Volume 5, Number 3, Quarter 3 FY 2010 (April 1, 2010 June 30, 2010)

Januari Th. 1.148

Environmental Cooperation-Asia (ECO-Asia), a program of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), promotes regional cooperation on the environment by demonstrating best practices and sharing experiences across Asia. Focus areas include: improved access to clean water and sanitation; improved environmental governance; sustainable management of natural resources and biodiversity conservation; and investment in clean energy technologies. For more information, please visit

This eNewsletter contains the following stories:
• USAID Teams with Asian Development Bank to Establish Asia-Pacific Dialogue on Clean Energy Governance and Regulation
• Clean Energy Projects in China, Philippines Receive Financing
• Clean Energy Capacity-Building for Banks in Indonesia 
• India Launches State Energy Conservation Fund
• USAID Supports USA Pavilion’s Carbon Neutral Commitment at World Expo
• USAID Scales Up Efforts to Develop a National Energy Performance Rating System for China
• Experts Share Energy-Saving Ideas with Chinese “SMEs”
• EHS Training of Trainers Advances Clean Production, Energy and GHG Accounting in Chinese Enterprises
• USAID Promotes Energy Efficiency in Grids
• California Shares Experiences with China on Efficiency Power Plants
• USAID Partnership Provides GHG Accounting Training in China
• Major Chinese Utility Seeks to Promote, Catalyze Energy Savings
• ASEAN Countries Welcome Standardized Training Tools for Biodiversity Protection
• China Seeks Greater Engagement with ASEAN-WEN
• Cambodia Establishes Wildlife Law Enforcement Coordination Unit and Task Force

• USAID Program in Vietnam Shares Lessons Learned in Payment for Ecosystems Services
• Bamboo is a Growth Business in Vietnam
• USAID Program Hosts Regional REDD Workshop in Hanoi
• “Creative” Initiative Engages Youth in Promoting Responsible Teak Management in Lao PDR
• REDD Learning Network Explores Lessons from Forest Certification
• Training Workshop Expands Skills of Conflict Management Practitioners on Responsible Forestry
• First China-Indonesia Technical Expert Working Group on Sustainable Forest Management and Trade Meeting Held in Beijing
• Coral Triangle Countries Develop a Regional Marine Protected Area Network
• U.S. Training Provides Coral Triangle Countries with Tools to Adapt to Climate Change
• U.S. Commerce Secreta ry Highlights U.S., Indonesia and Coral Triangle Initiative Efforts to Prevent Illegal Fishing
• WaterLinks Develops Roadmap for Replication and Scale Up of Best Practices at Regional Forum
• Water Companies from Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines Receive WaterLinks Awards
• WaterLinks: Indian Water Operators Partner Begin Replication of Model for Continuous Water Supply 
• WaterLinks: Indonesia and Philippines Complete Partnership on Expanding Service to Underserved 
•         West Bengal Replicates Environmental Compliance Assistance Center in Chemicals Sector
•         AECEN Launches New “EIA” Initiative in Asia
•         Environment Agencies from Korea and Maldives Join AECEN
Addressing transboundary conflict in the mekong river basin
•         Cambodia and Lao PDR Agree to Establish a Transboundary Committee to Promote Sustainable Fisheries in the Mekong
•         USAID Strengthens China’s Environmental Justice Sector through Fellowship Program
•         USAID Builds Capacity for China’s Next Generation of Judges and Law Professors
•         USAID Assists Chinese Prosecutors to Strengthen Law Enforcement
•         USAID Assists Guangzhou Court in Changing Policies for Water Pollution Cases

UNESCO Water Portal Bi-monthly Newsletter No. 236: The Vuoksi River Basin (Finland and the Russian Federation)

Januari Th. 1.036


   - Director-General of UNESCO on the occasion of the Closure of 19th Session of IHP's Intergovernmental Council
   - PCCP teams up with the University of Peace for colloquium on the right to water
   - PCCP and UNESCO-IHE update information on two short courses on "Negotiation for Water Conflict Management"


UNESCO Water Family (*)
   - UNESCO/IHA GHG Research Project Workshop: The Interface between Field Data and Predictive Modelling
   - Training Workshop on Integrated Urban Water Management
   - International Training Course on Qanats
   - Regional Training Workshop on Application of GIS and Remote Sensing In water Resources Management

   - Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Hydraulic Engineering and River Basin Development – UNESCO-IHE

Did you know

Facts and figures about the Vuoksi River Basin (Finland and the Russian Federation)

To access the newsletter, please go to:

UNESCO Water Portal Newsletter No. 235: Bangladesh

Januari Th. 1.135


- UNESCO-IHP, UNESCO-IHE and the International Water History Association offer course on World History of Water Management
- 'Water for sustainable urban human settlements' – a new joint Briefing Note by WWAP and UN-HABITAT
- Water History Conference Delft 2010: "The history of water in Israel/Palestine in the last 100 years: a beginning" successfully held
- Reservoir GHG briefing at Hydrovision International

UNESCO Water Family
- Symposium: The right to water and water rights in a changing world

Featured International Event
- Summit Meeting: Water in mountains - 3rd International Congress on integrated management in high watersheds

- Application of Satellite Remote Sensing to Support Water Resources Management in Africa: Results from the Tiger Initiative – IHP-VII – Technical Documents in Hydrology, No. 85

- Facts and figures about Bangladesh

Source Water and Sanitation Weekly No. 04 (Tuesday, 22 June 2010)

Januari Th. 1.073


- Don't let disputes over data get in the way of sanitation and safe water
  for billions

- WASH United: football superstars join campaign
- The Economist: enough water is not enough - it must also be clean
- Water crisis: activist inspires upcoming Bollywood Sci-Fi film

Quote of the week
- Greta Steyn, South African columnist on sanitation vs football stadiums

Africa South of Sahara
- Africa: self-help sanitation for more than 2 million people
- Ethiopia, Addis Ababa: nearly a quarter of residents lack toilets
- Ghana: raising sanitation and hygiene awareness with football
- Tanzania: rural sanitation campaign launched

Middle East and North Africa
- Egypt: irrigation innovations in the Nile Delta
- Morocco, Oujda: HM The King vists sewerage programme

Asia & Pacific
- Bangladesh, Dhaka: one in five dies from arsenic poisoning
- China: government to spend US$ 8.5 billion on protection of urban
  drinking-water sources
- India: sanitation rankings create healthy competition among cities
- India, Pakistan: dealing with the “water mafia”

Latin America and the Caribbean
- Ecuador: lawmakers fail to reach water bill deal
- Panama: Idaan investments in water, sewerage projects

- Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority: winner Stockholm Industry Water Award
- Aamir Khan: Bollywood actor launches school sanitation drive
- Dr. B.P. Agrawal: inventor bags two awards for rainwater harvesting
  technology for India

- Water, Sanitation Hygiene (WASH) Itinerant Delegate, Terre des hommes,
- Monitoring and Evaluation Manager, Water and Sanitation for the Urban
  Poor (WSUP), UK
- Senior Programme Officer for the South Asian Region, IRC International
  Water and Sanitation Centre, The Netherlands

- Health impact: effect of water quality, hygiene and sanitation in
  preventing diarrhoea deaths

New Publications
- UN-water global annual assessment of sanitation and drinking-water
  (GLAAS) 2010
- Access of the poor to water supply and sanitation in India
- Integrated urban water management : humid tropics
- Deep wells and prudence : towards pragmatic action for addressing
  groundwater overexploitation in India
- Case study on sustainability of rural sanitation marketing in Vietnam

New on the Net
- 2010 IBNET water tariff database
- Nepal Node for Sustainable Sanitation (NNSS)
- a new advocacy resource for civil society

Gaung RW Siaga Plus+ Edisi 1/ Juni 2010 Selamat Datang Di RW Siaga Plus+!/ Welcome to RW Siaga Plus+!

Januari Th. 1.371

Sepuluh bulan telah berlalu sejak program RW Siaga Plus+ diluncurkan pada September 2009. Setelah melalui tahap perencanaan, sosialisasi, pembentukan pokja dan berbagai pelatihan, saat inihampir sampai pada tahap pembangunan infrastruktur di empat kelurahan terpilih: Duri Kosambi, Duri Utara, Pekojan di Jakarta Barat dan Margahayu di Bekasi.
Melalui publikasi Gaung RW Siaga Plus+ yang terdiri dari dua bahasa ini (Indonesia & Inggris), redaksi mengajak pembaca untuk melihat apa yang telah dan sedang dilakukan. Program RW Siaga Plus+ yang didanai oleh USAID tidak akan berjalan baik tanpa keterlibatan dan dukungan pemerintah daerah baik di tingkat kelurahan, kecamatan, maupun kotamadya. Wawancara dengan Bapak Walikota Jakarta Barat, Ir. H. Mas Djoko Ramadhan akan mewakili potret dukungan pemerintah daerah dalam pelaksanaan RW Siaga Plus+ demi terwujudnya masyarakat perkotaan yang berperilaku bersih dan sehat serta mempunyai cukup akses terhadap fasilitas air bersih dan sanitasi. Begitu juga keterlibatan pemerintah kelurahan dan wakil Puskesmas yang bersama warga tergabung dalam Pokja Kelurahan dan memfasilitasi pelaksanaan RW Siaga Plus+ juga akan ditampilkan pada edisi perdana ini.

Daftar Isi:

Apakah RW Siaga Plus+ itu

Wawancara dengan Walikota Jakarta Barat

Pokja Kelurahan: Komitmen, Kerjasama, dan Dedikasi

Source Water and Sanitation Weekly No. 05 (Thursday, 22 July 2010)

Januari Th. 1.068


- Right to water and sanitation: historic UN resolution under discussion
- G8: progress on water and sanitation commitments assessed
- Sanitation and Water for All: global partnership formalised, presenting itself in Stockholm

Africa South of Sahara
- Africa: project helps local governments contribute to water and sanitation MDGs
- Liberia: water sector faces “deadly†financing gap
- Namibia: government moves closer to subsidising water for the poor
- Nigeria, Northern Borno: washing hands and using toilets to reduce blindness

Middle East and North Africa
- Egypt: the threat of a water war over the Nile
- Morocco: drinking water facility invested over US$ 422 million in 2009

Asia & Pacific
- India, Uttar Pradesh: gender empowerment helps sanitation in model village
- Nepal: famous comedians star in tele-serial on community-led total sanitation
- Philippines: school sanitation sparks ‘Bayanihan’ spirit in small village
- Viet Nam: nearly half of US$ 2.77 billion for rural WASH going to hygiene in households and schools

Latin America and the Caribbean
- Haiti: six months on, Red Cross calls for urgent sanitation solution
- Trinidad and Tobago: Who cares WASA’s empty promises

- Jan Eliasson: joins UN Secretary General’s MDG Advocacy Group
- Water For People: founder Kenneth J. Miller passes away
- Ryan Hreljac: Duke of Edinburgh award for Canadian teen who founded water charity
- Procter & Gamble: new manufacturing facility for PUR packets in Singapore

- (Senior) Programme Officer, Sanitation Specialist, IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, The Netherlands
- International Team Leader – Water & Sanitation, GHD, Indonesia
- Senior Programme Officer, Monitoring and Learning, IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, The Netherlands
- Project Officer – Writer/Process Documentalist, IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, The Netherlands
- Program Manager, Water for Recovery & Peace (WRAPP), PACT, Sudan
- Regional Manager, Water For People, Africa

- Economic benefits: how valuable are water and sanitation interventions in India
- Urban sanitation: Danish-funded research project starting in Ghana

Lessons Learned
- Gender: female meter reader raises water revenues in Afghanistan
- Regulation: pro-poor reform of water and energy supply services

- India, Maharashtra: surcharge on mineral water to pay for rural water supply
- India: government approves increase in unit costs for school toilets
- Call for expression of interest: strategic evaluation of the Water Integrity Network

New Publications
- Greywater use in the Middle East : technical, social, economic and policy issues
- Journal of water, sanitation and hygiene for development
- Wastewater irrigation and health : assessing and mitigating risk in low-income countries
- Insecurity and indignity : women’s experiences in the slums of Nairobi, Kenya
- Squatting with dignity : lessons from India

Newsletter AMPL (Air Minum dan Penyehatan Lingkungan) Edisi Mei 2010 Regional Workshop on Integration of District Strategic Plans for Community-Based Water Supply and Sanitation"

Sekretariat Pokja AMPL   Januari Th. 1.030

Edisi kali ini mengangkat headline berita tentang kegiatan "Regional Workshop on Integration of District Strategic Plans for Community-Based Water Supply and Sanitation”, yang diselenggarakan di.Hermes Palace Banda Aceh, 5 – 8 April 2010.

Selain itu juga terdapat berita menarik lainnya seputar kegiatan AMPL lain di bulan April dan Mei 2010, serta pustaka dan publikasi dari Perpustakaan Pokja AMPL di bulan Mei 2010.

UNESCO Water Portal Bi-monthly Newsletter No. 234: Tunisia

Januari Th. 1.033


  - 19th session of the IHP Intergovernmental Council
   - Announcing: 10th Kovacs Colloquium 2010 - Hydrocomplexity: New Tools for Solving Wicked Water Problems
   - PCCP and UNESCO-IHE announce two short courses on "Negotiation for Water Conflict Management"
   - ICIWaRM co-sponsors North American HELP Basin Organizations Workshop on Lessons Learned
   - HELP organizes "River Basin Level Responses to Water Scarcity and Drought under Uncertain Climate Futures" for the Douro River Basin

Did you know
- Facts and figures about Tunisia