
Layanan Air Minum Usaha Kecil Di Indonesia (2): Studi Kasus Palembang

09 September 2004 1.100

Daftar isi:

Kata Pengantar
Daftar isi
I. Deskripsi Wilayah Studi
II. Metoda Penelitian
III. Pelayanan Air Minum dan Sanitasi
IV. Pelayanan Air Minum Swasta
V. Peluang dan Kendala Pengembangan Usaha Layanan Air Minum Swasta
Lampiran 1 Pemetaan Harga Berdasarkan Survei Transek

Linking Sustainability with Demand, Gender and Poverty: A Study in Community-managed Water Supply Projects in 15 Countries

Bruce Gross, Christine van Wijk, Nilanjana Mukherjee   2001 994

Daftar isi:




Why Gender, Poverty and Demand

Participatory Assessments

Communities and Their Services

Significant Findings

Implications for Development Practice

Towards a Framework for More Equitable and Sustained Services

Layanan Air Minum Usaha Kecil Di Indonesia (3): Studi Kasus Bandung Metropolitan

09 Agustus 2004 1.074

Daftar isi:

Kata Pengantar
Daftar isi
I. Deskripsi Wilayah Studi
II. Metoda Penelitian
III. Pelayanan Air Minum dan Sanitasi
IV. Pelayanan Air Minum Swasta
V. Peluang dan Kendala Pengembangan Usaha Layanan Air Minum Swasta
VI. Kesimpulan dan Rekomendasi

Layanan Air Minum Usaha Kecil Di Indonesia (4): Studi Kasus Subang

09 Agustus 2004 1.021

Daftar isi:

Kata Pengantar
Daftar isi
I. Deskripsi Wilayah Studi
II. Metoda Penelitian
III. Pelayanan Air Minum dan Sanitasi
IV. Pelayanan Air Minum Swasta
V. Peluang dan Kendala Pengembangan Usaha Layanan Air Minum Swasta
Lampiran 1 Profil Pedagang Air

Identifying Demand Drivers for Sanitation Technologies: The Case of Ecosan in Africa

Lukman Y. Salifu   2001 1.089

Ecological Sanitation (Ecosan) has made little progress in Africa despite decades of promotion by donors. The practical and environmental benefits of 'closing the loop' (i.e. recycling the nutriens in excreta) seem remote to most poor African households. This lack of demand for Ecosan in turn makes many sector practitioners question its potential. There are, however, a number of physical conditions - including high water table and hard rocky ground - which can increase the comparative advantage of many forms of Ecosan technology.

But beyond these physical conditions there are many factors that influence demand by households that have to be considered as well, such as the presence of small local operators involved in excreta handling.

This paper examines a number of physical and non physical demand drivers that may encourage households to adopt Ecosan solutions. It also discusses practical activities within the different segments of 'the resource loop' and a number of factors, beyond the household level, that affect the communal adoption of Ecosan and re-use of excreta.

Learning What Works for Sanitation: Revisiting sanitation successes in Cambodia

2002 1.140

This report is based on site reports, photographs and participatory assessment result from communities, recorded by researchers from SAWAC (a local consulting agency) and the Ministry of Rural Development- from the central government level and the Provincial Departments of Rural Development of Kompong Spue and Battambang. The study was carried out under the overall management and supervision of the PCB project, and Leo Goulet, CTA to the Project.

Introduction - A Quest for Understanding
1. Who has Access to Sanitation
2. What Factors Influenced Demand for Household Toilets
3. Was There a Change in Sanitation Behavior 4. What Benefits Matter Most to Users
5. Was Sanitation Coverage Linked to Hygiene Awareness and Practices
6. What Factors Influence Behavior Change
Lessons Learned
Annexure A